300: Thoughts in Meditation (5)

300: Thoughts in Meditation (5)

the thought-mind.

the thought-mind.

is beyond
the thought-mind.”

– Sri Chinmoy

We meditate to enter into, bring forward and enjoy the spiritual qualities of our heart – peace, love, light, joy, oneness. To gain access to our spiritual heart, we have first to calm and quieten our mind. To calm our mind, we must reduce our flow of thoughts. To enter the deepest meditation, we must go beyond the mind’s domain altogether, where no thought can reach.

Our observing, analysing, reasoning, deducing mind sets us above and beyond, and liberates us from the largely instinctive animal consciousness. Our mental capacities and achievements, especially through sciences and technology have helped mankind achieve considerable mastery of our finite universe. The rational, organising mind is mankind’s greatest accomplishment in the finite realms – until rising spiritual aspiration suggests the possibilities of transcending the finite and embracing the infinite – thenceforth, our mighty asset becomes our limiting liability.

Until we have transcended our mind and thought-attachment, we follow René Descartes – “I think, therefore I am.” We feel we are our thoughts and thinking process, our ideas, conclusions, beliefs, ideals and prejudices. To go beyond the mind and relinquish thoughts, requires letting go of our very concept of who and what we are. This is not easy, and cannot be achieved overnight.

There are two approaches to subduing thoughts in meditation:

a) – challenge thoughts and chase them away; or
b) – ignore thoughts altogether, taking refuge in the spiritual heart where thoughts have no existence and no purchase.

In coming episodes of “Meditation Matters”, we will explore ways and means to pursue both these pathways: concentration exercises to challenge and expel thoughts from the mind, alongside ways to enter directly those rarer atmospheres wherein thoughts are rendered redundant and simply expire.

299: Thoughts in Meditation (4)

299: Thoughts in Meditation (4)

“If we cannot control
Each and every thought,
We are forced to become
The perfect slaves of thought.”

– Sri Chinmoy

We are familiar with the consequences of not being able to control our thoughts: our thoughts instead, control us. Most of us, most of the time, are guided by our thoughts or emotions, rather than our heart and soul. Our thoughts and emotions mostly arise from and are focused on limited and limiting realities; hence our infinite heart and free soul suffocate under the constricting blanket of the confined finite. Estranged from our soul – our perennial source of happiness, love, light and freedom – our life experience is captive to frustration, tension, insecurity and unhappiness.

We are forced to play the roles of characters alien to our true nature. Eternally infinite, pure, free beings of light and delight, we masquerade as confused, hesitant, fearful, cramped, petty creatures of uncertain obscurity.

Like desires, thoughts per se do not pose a threat to us: our mortal peril lies in our attachment to thoughts. It is the chains and bonds of attachment which render us helpless, imprison us and forbid our happiness.

Our predicament is stark: unless and until we can control our thoughts and thought process, we remain forever a slave. We might glimpse occasional happiness or catch an echo of partial satisfaction, but any chance of reaching our potential or fulfilling our soul’s purpose is a remote and forlorn dream.

The only way we can consciously gain mastery over our own thought process is through meditation. Yet to effectively meditate, we must gain mastery over our thoughts. This seeming “Catch 22” can only be resolved through sustained, dedicated, determined, patient commitment to our daily meditation practise.

Practise really does make perfect; slow and steady truly wins the race.

298: Thoughts in Meditation (3)

298: Thoughts in Meditation (3)

“Sometimes I wonder
Whether thoughts are made of misery
Or misery is made of thoughts.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Every level of our existence below the mind – body and vital – and every level above the mind – heart and soul – exist and operate without thoughts. Thoughts are exclusive to the thinking mind: they are its food, bricks, language, currency, secret service and armed forces.

As a spider spins its web out of its own body, so the mind constructs its own universe out of itself, from its limited and binding thoughts. Designed to capture its prey, the web imprisons its maker. So, in seeking to impose meaning on the chaos of the universe, the mind is entrapped and imprisoned by its own thoughts, fears, pride and prejudice.

A thinking mind acts as a black hole in our spiritual life, actively devouring light, peace and joy from its surrounding inner galaxies. Peace, light and joy are all native to our soul – infinitely free and ever expansive. The moment they are grabbed by the thinking mind, light is obscured, peace ruffled, and joy retreats into misery.

Thoughts and misery are interdependent. Thoughts enmesh us in the material and tether us to the temporal; while misery accrues from the combined tyrannies of finite time and space.

Thoughts constrict and restrict, as they are limited and limiting. In limitation, we are bound, and bound to suffer. Thoughts are misery’s oxygen – no thoughts, no misery; in the heart’s bliss, thoughts are utterly redundant. Misery begets thoughts, as thoughts nurture misery.

To bury misery and bask in eternal joy, we must master our thoughts once and for all. While ultimate victory may be a distant dream, let our goal be daily progress, lessening thoughts gradually and inexorably as, step by step, we approach our goal.

297: Thoughts in Meditation (2)

297: Thoughts in Meditation (2)

The spiritual heart and soul perceive reality directly through their love-power and the identification of oneness. One with infinite Light, immortal Bliss and eternal Truth, they have no need of speculation.

Sitting below the heart and soul in the confines of the finite, the mind has no direct perception of the infinite Real. It bears the curse of the finite and the separate: ignorance and insecurity. To mask its inherent weakness, insecurity craves power and control. The insecure needs to assert its superiority, which it can only do by first establishing its difference, its individuality.

Desperately yearning the comfort and power of knowledge, yet having set itself apart from the infinite Real, and unready humbly to accept the heart’s light as its own, the mind wants to know and possess truth as an observer. It seeks to objectify reality, to section the infinite and define the indefinable, to ‘figure out’ Truth.

Frustrated with its incapacity to grasp Truth directly, and wanting to assert its own hegemony independent of the heart, the mind creates figures or models of truth and sets them up as real – it ‘figures out’ reality.

Because the mind is limited, the universe it perceives or ‘figures’ is inevitably bound by its own limitations: the mind projects itself and labels this projection ‘reality’, a reality radiant with the mind’s brilliance, while crippled with its division, doubt, fear, jealousy, suspicion, pride and insecurity.

Each mind is its own perpetual fake news factory, where ‘truth’ and ‘reality’ are constructs to serve the particular mind’s myth of self-importance and relevance. No matter how grand or convincing, a mind-born ‘reality’ is ultimately an unstable, brittle and volatile phantasm.

What all-purpose tool does the mind use to understand, control, bind, dazzle, distract and create its worlds of make-believe?

– thoughts.

296: Thoughts in Meditation (1)

296: Thoughts in Meditation (1)

“I know, beyond the mind
I must go
To conquer the mind.”

– Sri Chinmoy

We identify as “mankind.” The root word “man” derives from the Sanskrit “manas”, meaning: “mind.” Our mind is the principal executive force of our present conscious awareness. We are the “mind-kind.”

The mind sits in a unique position. Superior to, cognisant of, and largely able to control the body and vital, our mind is king of the finite, master of the material world; yet our mind is also the final frontier of the finite, for just next door is the spiritual heart, opening to all the possibilities of the infinite…

Up till now, our mind has been focussed primarily on the finite, on what it can know and control. Yet it also has the potential to open its door and invite in the light, love, peace and power of the heart, to turn itself outwards and upwards, to receive the unknown and unknowable of the Beyond. Herein lies our great hope of liberation and potential for perfection.

There are various levels and aspects of mind: the “manas” with which we so identify, the mind we inhabit most of our waking day, is the thinking mind, the mind of thoughts. It is in this mind that every problem of humanity is born; in this mind, every evil of the world is nurtured; in this mind, all suffering, ignorance, death and destruction flourish.

Yet Sri Chinmoy urges us:

“Do not blame the mind –
Tame the mind.
You will be supremely happy.”

– Sri Chinmoy

How to tame the unruly, wild horse of the mind? Sri Chinmoy offers a disarmingly simple solution:

“First simplify your mind,
Then clarify your mind,
Then purify your mind,
Then electrify your mind,
Then beautify your mind.
That’s all!”

– Sri Chinmoy

295: Ignorance as Opportunity

295: Ignorance as Opportunity

“Let nothing perturb us. Let our body’s impurity remind us of our heart’s spontaneous purity. Let our outer finite thoughts remind us of our inner infinite will. Let our mind’s teeming imperfections remind us of our soul’s limitless perfection.”
– Sri Chinmoy

The Infinite is the canvas on which the finite is multifariously portrayed; the Eternal, the stage on which time’s dramas are played; the Immortal, the energising current of which our life-breath is made. Without the Infinite, nothing finite can come into being; without Eternity, time is inconceivable; without Immortality, life cannot draw breath.

The Source of all is Light, Truth, Love and Peace. Darkness exists only as an absence of light; falsehood only in the corruption of truth; hatred in the perversion of love; war as an interruption of peace.

Let us therefore always and only focus on the positive, the Source: the infinite, eternal, immortal Divine within us. When we identify with our divine Source, we see that we embody everything divine, as well as all that has its source in divinity – all ignorance, darkness, division, weakness and limitation.

Stationed in the divine, we can no longer be threatened by the undivine, for we trace it always back to its source, which is our own.

Darkness persists as long as light and darkness stay apart, fearful of each other. When we perceive ignorance, weakness and limitations as included in our own greater being – not as external foes – we accept responsibility to care for and illumine them, as our thumb helps our fingers.

When our inner darkness and light embrace one another, there remains only light. When illumination stands eagerly waiting to catch its fall, ignorance can threaten us no more: rather, each faltering failure offers a beckoning gateway to our faster progress and fuller transformation.

294: Ignorance – Smoke and Mirrors

294: Ignorance – Smoke and Mirrors

“The Face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden orb. Remove it, O Sun, so that I who am devoted to the Truth may behold the Truth.”
– The Upanishads

The term “smoke and mirrors” refers to the magician’s art of concealment – and perfectly applies to the means by which ignorance persuades us to accept illusion as Truth.

“Where there is smoke, there is fire” – and so behind the smoke of illusion, must be hidden the fire of Truth. As smoke is a sure indicator of flames we cannot see, so if we seek carefully, we can discern within even all-pervading illusion, clues to an underlying, unifying Truth. Many hold that the universe we perceive is an illusion, a projection of “Maya”, a cloak worn by God, which at once obscures and points to the existence of God’s true Self within. While those of us in ignorance accept Maya as reality, the wise see this illusory cloak as a sentry, guarding the doorway to Truth.

A mirror portrays only an outer appearance. The beauty we see, the truth we perceive in a mirror can only ever be outer reflections or echoes of the real, inner Truth and Beauty. Those of us in ignorance are enamoured of the reflection, clasp it to our hearts and give ourselves to it: the wise seek the origin of the reflection, knowing the Source – the Goddess of Truth and Beauty – to be infinitely more beautiful, bountiful and fulfilling.

Only our soul can perceive Truth in its natural Light. In our finite physical, vital and mental realms, ignorance is natural and inevitable; tempting and challenging us everywhere and always.

We can dance with ignorance, or transcend it. Our choice: shall we accept ignorance as our imprisoning fate – or our secret, liberating benefactor?

293: Purity as Power (3)

293: Purity as Power (3)

“Yearn with intensity
For the sea of purity,
If you want your life
To be as vast and as perfect
As the sky of divinity.”

– Sri Chinmoy

In the beginning of our spiritual life, purity can be a somewhat vague concept. As we practise meditation, we inevitably attain a little purity in our inner life, and soon we acquire a taste for purity. Purity is not something we can see, touch or even feel as a sensation in itself: rather we experience and appreciate purity for what the presence of purity opens up to us. Purity is a key to unlock the doors to all the spiritual qualities – peace, love, light, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, oneness, power, delight.

Purity is a most valuable, reliable spiritual currency. As in the desire-life, we yearn for money as a means to acquire all the material possessions, comforts and status money can buy; so, in the aspiration-life, we yearn for purity for all the inner wealth and riches purity opens and reveals to us.

As a smart person in the desire-world makes money his primary objective; so, a wise person in the aspiration-world prizes purity as his foremost goal.

Purity is the essence of everything valuable, everything real, everything perfect. Purity strengthens and solidifies our aspiration, determination and dedication. Purity clarifies our vision, emboldens our purpose, assures our hopes and insures our promises. Without purity, intensity is spineless and intention is gutless.

Pure must be our cry, our yearning, our longing for purity.

Purity is not a static state; purity is our action hero. Purity connects us to the cosmic energy grid; activates our boundless potential; releases our hidden glory; enables our highest dreams. Purity is our roaring certitude, dauntless courage, invincible armour, world-conquering weapon and Heaven-revealing charm.

Purity reigns supreme.

292: Purity as Power (2)

292: Purity as Power (2)

“We are the player. We can play either football or cricket. Similarly, it is we who can choose to play with either purity or impurity. The player is the master of the game and not vice versa.”
– Sri Chinmoy

Just because our minds have forever been impure, is no reason we cannot acquire purity: purity we must choose, and chase.

We know that the more purity we have, the clearer our mind will be, and the better our meditation; the better our meditation, the more purity we will uncover, the clearer our mind will be, and the deeper our meditation. Purity is an indispensable link in this cycling chain of inexorable spiritual growth.

Yet what is purity? How do we experience this elusive, vague quality, how to hold onto, secure, cultivate and expand purity in our consciousness?

The surest way to get anything is to go direct to its source: you want apples? – go to the apple tree. The source of all purity is God, the Supreme, the Highest within ourselves. In our meditation as we clear our mind and approach our inner silence, purity automatically appears the same way as the sun appears through the rising mist. As the sunlight then reveals to us the surrounding landscape, so purity in turn guides us to ever-deeper silence and more fruitful meditation.

“Purity does not come all at once. It takes time. We must dive deep and lose ourselves with implicit faith in contemplation of God. We need not go to purity. Purity will come to us. And purity does not come alone. It brings an everlasting joy with it. This divine joy is the sole purpose of our life. God reveals Himself fully and manifests Himself unreservedly only when we have this inner joy.”
– Sri Chinmoy

291: Purity as Power (1)

291: Purity as Power (1)

“In human purity abides God’s highest Divinity. Man’s purity is God’s Breath. If we have purity, we have everything. Purity is tremendous power. We can accomplish anything with purity. But if we lose our purity, although we may have power, wealth or influence, we will crumble; we will easily fall.”
– Sri Chinmoy

In meditation, we aim first to clear the mind of thoughts. The best detergent to remove unwanted thoughts, is inner purity. So, to meditate well, or even to meditate at all, purity is of utmost importance.

Unfortunately, purity is vastly under-appreciated by impurity. Impurity has tremendous pride in it, and pride likes to feel self-sufficient. This is a big obstacle: when our minds are impure – which is most of the time – is when we need purity the most, and when we are least likely to value it, want it, or suspect we might need purity at all. It’s beneath our dignity to turn for help to something we see as meaningless, formless, vague and insipid.

We cannot appreciate fine music if we cannot hear it: first we need ears to hear. Our challenge is, that we can only really value purity in our inner life, once we have experienced and established purity to a certain extent. Purity is both its own music, and the ears to hear and appreciate it. Purity grows and is nurtured in purity. The more purity we establish, the more we value purity and the more we know we need more, evermore purity.

Meditation is a quest for the unknown. Just because we do not know or appreciate it, is no reason we cannot search for, discover and cultivate purity. Right now, purity is an “X” on a map: our search will reveal that “X” to be our richest treasure.

290: Let Meditation Deepen Your Meditation

290: Let Meditation Deepen Your Meditation

In the beginning, meditation seems to be all our conscious effort. We decide to meditate, we sit down, we practise various techniques. Once we have got the ball rolling however, we need to step back and let the ball take its own course.

Meditation cannot be static. We strive ever to dive deeper – and feel we must “do” something to force the issue.

Yet, deep meditation is a self-driving car. Once we start the engine, we are no longer the driver.

Sri Chinmoy writes:

“When you meditate, please do not think of diving deeper. If the mind operates, then you will not be able to go deeper at all. When you feel that you are in a sublime meditation, you will see that the meditation itself has its own power. So you only have to try to surrender to the meditative power within you. At that time do not use your mind. If you are having a profound meditation, then there cannot be any intervention of the mind. The meditation that you are having is the result of the meditative power within you. Just allow this meditative power to play its role. This meditative power will always have a free access to the deeper reality within you.

“When you start meditation, the only thing you do is to make your mind calm and quiet, and then let the meditation do anything it wants to do. You do not act like a doer any more; your responsibility is over. When you have made your mind calm and quiet, your responsibility is totally over. Then you have to let the force, the divine force that is giving you the experience of a good meditation, do whatever else it wants to do in you and for you.”

289: Concentration – The Hidden Ultimate Truth

289: Concentration – The Hidden Ultimate Truth

Concentration is regarded as a precursor to meditation – a necessary clearing of thoughts and distractions, like warming up the voice for a song, arranging the board for a game, setting the table for dinner, packing for a holiday.

For Sri Chinmoy, concentration when pursued to its natural destination, blends into and becomes purest meditation.

“When you concentrate, try to feel that the power of concentration comes from the heart centre, and then goes up to the third eye. The heart centre is where the soul is located. The physical heart is tiny, but the spiritual heart – your true home – is vaster than the universe. When you think of your soul at this time, please do not form any specific idea of it or try to think of what it looks like. Just think of it as God’s representative, as boundless light and delight, which is in your heart. The light comes from your heart and passes through your third eye, and then you enter into the object of your concentration and have your identification with it. The final stage of concentration is to discover the hidden ultimate truth in the object of concentration.”
– Sri Chinmoy

It makes no difference what we concentrate on – a candle flame, a leaf, a fragrance, a bird’s song – the hidden ultimate truth of each and every phenomenon is the one, same source – God.

This truth is revealed when our heart’s concentration uses its secret weapon – oneness. We say the heart has the power of oneness, but in truth, the heart is oneness, for our heart’s depth identifies with and claims the essence of all reality as its own.

Concentration on the tiniest object, and meditation on the boundless Infinite, carry us to the same destination – oneness with God, our Supreme.

288: Newness (2)

288: Newness (2)

“Every day, think of yourself as a new flower. In the morning you can think of yourself as a bud. Then at noon, feel that this bud is blossoming. Finally, in the evening, you can think of yourself as a fully blossomed lotus. It all started with newness. When the flower was a little bud, it was new. While it is blossoming, it is again new. Then in the evening, when it is fully blossomed, again it is new.”
– Sri Chinmoy

Newness and our spiritual heart nourish and perpetuate each other. Our heart’s meditation unveils the ever-new: in turn, the ever-new ushers us into our heart’s meditation-home. Meditation reveals constant newness; newness uncovers ever-deepening, expanding and illumining meditation.

Every day, invoke newness before and during meditation. The old, even yesterday’s joy, has not brought us our ultimate fulfillment, so we must forever turn to the new. Newness houses our every goal; only in newness can our fulfillment abide.

While newness constantly blossoms in our heart, we need to keep newness always in the forefront of our mind’s preoccupations and life’s activities. Strive to make newness our default choice, our habit and attitude, our mantra, our lens through which to see the world, a pole star guiding our thoughts and actions.

Seek out new ways of seeing, doing, seeking, becoming and being; new hobbies and pursuits; new fields and horizons; new ideas and ideals. Be always ready to discard the old in favour of the new – especially old, fixed ways of our mind and ego: old assumptions, beliefs, prejudices and judgements.

Newness itself brings hope and promise; hope guides our steps and promise fuels our quest. When you keep newness as your constant companion, then newness itself will always happily illumine your today’s path and beckon your tomorrow’s goal.