Mastering Meditation – Course Options

Mastering Meditation – Course Options

If you have tried to meditate and experienced something but feel that you could go much deeper then “Mastering Meditation” is for you. In these free classes we cover what is really important to make your meditation practice stronger, deeper and more fulfilling. The course is presented as a service by students of Sri Chinmoy who themselves have been practicing meditation for many years. The class options are as follows:

Option A: Mondays and Thursdays; Sep 30, Oct 3, 10, 14; 6:30 – 8:00 pm (4 x 1.5 hour classes)
Option B: Saturday, Oct 12; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Please remember that if you choose Option A then try to attend all four sessions as each session introduces new techniques and builds on the previous classes.

Venue for all courses: The Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Canberra

  • All courses are free throughout.
  • Prior registration is required as space is limited.
  • The classes cover a range of different techniques and are suitable for experienced meditators and beginners alike.
  • Our weekend workshops offer a compact introduction to meditation in one session.

Some of the techniques and topics include: Practical Tips for Meditation • Relaxation & Breath Control • Guided Visualisation • Quietening the Mind • Understanding the Heart Centre • Open-eye Concentration • Chanting (Mantra) • The Role of a Guru • Music in Meditation

Follow Up Classes: After the initial classes, there are follow up classes, also free of charge, for those wishing to deepen their practice and meditate in a group.

To register for one of the above course options or for more information, please contact us on 045-110-2713 or leave a message below. Please include the course option you would like to register for.

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Mastering Meditation – Weekend Workshop

Mastering Meditation – Weekend Workshop

If you have tried to meditate and experienced something but feel that you could go much deeper then “Mastering Meditation” the workshop is for you. In this free class we cover what is really important to make your meditation practice stronger, deeper and more fulfilling. The course is presented as a service by students of Sri Chinmoy who themselves have been practicing meditation for many years.

Option B: Saturday, Oct 12; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Venue: The Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Canberra

Some of the techniques and topics include: Practical Tips for Meditation • Relaxation & Breath Control • Guided Visualisation • Quietening the Mind • Understanding the Heart Centre • Open-eye Concentration • Chanting (Mantra) • The Role of a Guru • Music in Meditation

Follow Up Classes: After the initial classes, there are follow up classes, also free of charge, for those wishing to deepen their practice and meditate in a group.

To register for one of the course options or for more information, please contact us on 045-110-2713 or leave a message below. Please include the course option you would like to register for.

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