351: The Inner Cry (5)

351: The Inner Cry (5)

“An inner cry
Is the only remedy
For mind-caused problems.”

– Sri Chinmoy

“To reach the outer sky
I fly and fly.
To reach the inner sky
I cry and cry.”

– Sri Chinmoy

The inner cry is the only treasure we will ever need. The inner cry is the secret and secure passageway from our blind, ignorant, finite self to our illumined, liberated, infinite Self.

Before crying for anything or anyone, we must cry to attain the inner cry. And then, to retain, intensify, sweeten, brighten, purify and perfect the inner cry, always and at every moment.

Pouring ourselves utterly into the inner cry, is the fastest and most effective way to silence the mind, calm the emotions, open and widen our heart, sharpen our awareness, focus our will, harness our energy, maximise our capacities, fulfill our potential and realise our purpose.

When our inner cry is perfect, everything in our life becomes perfect.

Like a hot-air balloon that is fixed to the ground, our ego-bound mind weighs us down, tethering us with its thoughts, concepts and formulas, to the definable and the describable, the limited, the finite, the futile and false. Focusing on the finite, our thinking and imagining become encased in the finite, and we pretend and even believe ourselves to be finite. The inner cry loosens and releases the cords tying our consciousness-balloon to the ground, freeing us to rise above our small plot of ego, to envision beyond the valleys of the known, to soar over ever-receding horizons of possibility, to fly into the illumined freedom-sky of our soul.

The inner cry costs nothing, and gives everything. Invisible, it reveals all to be seen. Unknowable, it makes everything known. The more intense the budding inner cry, the more radiant the blossoming outer smile.

350: The Inner Cry (4)

350: The Inner Cry (4)

“No, it is not possible
For any inner cry
To remain unheard.”

– Sri Chinmoy

“If there is an inner cry, then nothing on earth can be denied. No fruit can be denied an individual who has an inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy

The inner cry is the secret that answers all questions, the key that unlocks all mysteries, the treasure that fulfills every need. The inner cry is the nourishment that sumptuously feeds all, the peacemaker who resolves all disputes, our protector who slays every dragon. The inner cry is the magic wand that dispels all darkness, the medicine that heals every illness, the wealth that ends all suffering. The inner cry is our ticket to heaven, agent of our transformation, guarantor of the world’s liberation, and usher of universal perfection.

When our inner cry is not genuine, we know it. Our inner cry is invoked, awakened and fuelled by our sincerity: when we don’t feed our inner cry with absolute sincerity, it simply stays in hiding; it has no voice, charm or brilliance, it doesn’t work and cannot play its role.

When our inner cry is accompanied by our hearts’ sincere tears of yearning, we feel it, and we become it.

Then our cry sets to work, overcoming our body’s lethargy, overriding our vital’s restlessness, cancelling our mind’s doubt and hesitation, subduing pride and ego, bypassing insecurity and jealousy, obliterating fear, suspicion, division and all ignorance.

The inner cry always finds, follows and pursues the path forward and upward. How? Because our inner cry is an emissary directly from our higher self, from our soul, from God. Our inner cry is God within us, our own home, reaching down, entering into, and raising up our lower self to unite us with our eternal Self, our Source.

349: The Inner Cry (3)

349: The Inner Cry (3)

“When a child cries, no matter where his mother is, the mother comes. She knows the child is hungry; he needs milk. In the spiritual life also, when we cry for Peace, Light and Bliss, immediately a spiritual Master will come.”
– Sri Chinmoy

The child’s role is only to cry; the mother’s role is to meet the child’s need.

A child cries with utmost sincerity, intensity and commitment. There is no calculation, hidden agenda or ulterior motive. The child is not even thinking of why or for what they cry; they just cry with their whole being, becoming their cry and nothing else, with no part of themself observing, reserved or standing aloof. It’s all in.

It is the mother’s job to know what the child is crying for and to fulfil that cry.

If we are sincere, we have to acknowledge that, spiritually, we are little children, we are babies – we don’t know who we are, where we have come from, where we are heading, or how we will get there. So, like the babies we are, our only task and need is to cry within, wholeheartedly and unreservedly. It is then up to our soul, our spiritual Master or God to answer and fulfil our cry.

The child who doesn’t cry is left alone by their parents, who assume they have everything they need and are happy. Similarly, if we do not cry with utmost intensity and sincerity as a small child, then God, our own soul and the higher forces will likely leave us alone, assuming we are not in need of any inner assistance, guidance or nourishment.

All book knowledge and meditation techniques are of no avail, unless we are consumed with the only indispensable requirement for spiritual progress: our inner cry.

348: The Inner Cry (2)

348: The Inner Cry (2)

“We start with a cry, an inner cry. A child is not taught by the mother how to cry. The mother does not tell the child that he has to cry. She does not teach the little baby, ‘If you cry, then I will give you candy. If you cry, I will give you milk.’ No, it comes spontaneously. When he needs a piece of candy or milk or something, he cries. In the spiritual life also, when the seeker enters onto a path, if he cries most sincerely and soulfully, then that is more than enough. At that time, the Inner Pilot, the Supreme, who is my Guru, your Guru and everybody’s Guru, listens to this cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy

Evolution is continuous. We have all been evolving since the beginning of creation; we are all evolving now; and we shall all continue evolving for all time. As the stars in a galaxy, ants in a colony, troops in an army, or the moving parts of a machine are guided by some central force, intelligence or mechanism, be it gravity, magnetism, electricity, instinct, intuition or ropes and pullies – the agent of evolution, its executive will, is expressed in all of mankind through our inner cry.

Our inner cry is instinctive, intelligent and intuitive, and operates on every level of our being – physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual. We cry for food, warmth and shelter in our physical world; for energy, power and capacity in our vital domain; for knowledge, understanding and control in our mind; for peace, light, love and bliss in our heart. Our inner cry forecasts, guides and expedites both our outer material success and our inner spiritual progress; our success and progress in turn must nourish, treasure, elevate and intensify our inner cry.

347: The Inner Cry (1)

347: The Inner Cry (1)

The genesis of our spiritual life is an inner cry, as Sri Chinmoy describes:

“It will be easier for you to make the first step when you know what you are going to get from the spiritual life. The spiritual life will give you inner peace, joy and bliss in abundant measure. People cry for name, fame, earthly achievement, success and progress and so many things. They are right in their own way. But you should start crying inwardly from this moment on for joy, peace of mind and the awakening of your inner consciousness.

“We have, all of us, two different types of consciousness: one is finite, earthbound; the other is infinite. This infinite, universal Consciousness is within us. Early in the morning, go deep within. Focus your concentration on your heart and try to feel there the existence of a child crying within you. This is your soul. Then consciously try to identify with this inner being, which is absolutely yours. When you are identified with this inner being, you will see the inner being is crying for you, has been crying for you and will cry for you for eternity unless and until you have become inseparably one with the Absolute Truth.

“Early in the morning for five or ten minutes, please try to go deep within with your conscious mind or with your pure, sincere heart and feel the necessity of the inner life. Once you feel the necessity, your inner being will guide you, mould you and shape you along the path. Finally, you can march and run along the path. If you can go deep within and sow the seed of aspiration with your inner cry, then sooner or later you are bound to get a bumper crop.”
– Sri Chinmoy

346: Blue

346: Blue

As a young boy, he had left his home in search of happiness, vowing never to return.

Long years of living and working in various places, many adventures and mixing with people of all types, traveling, studying, fighting and exploring, brought him no closer to satisfying his need.

One night he had a dream. He knew this dream was extremely significant, and was guiding him in his search, perhaps even revealing his destined goal. He awoke flooded with exhilaration and eagerness, accompanied by soothing peace such as he has never before experienced. He could not recall any details of his dream: only an all-encompassing vivid blue.

From that night on, his only happiness, peace and fulfillment came in finding that particular colour blue. This colour became his obsession, his deity, his beloved. Actions and experiences were only meaningful if they would bring him closer to this blue. When he found his blue anywhere – in a fabric, a painting, a gemstone, the sky at certain times of evening, he treasured that item as the most precious thing in the universe.

He wandered the world, searching for his only ideal, beloved blue. Yet each time he found his perfect blue, it would fade and lose its magic, a rope of sand.

After decades of fruitless searching, he understood his blue was all his imagination, not to be found in this world.

Now old and nearing his end, he passed nearby to his childhood home, long since abandoned. Now, finally, was the time to return.

Opening the door of his room, he was dumbstruck – the entire room and every object in it, glowing, smiling, flowing, dancing in his blue. The all-blue room he had turned his back on and left behind, now ardently embraced with an overflowing heart and tears of ecstasy.

345: Your Heart-Palace, Your Mind-Hotel

345: Your Heart-Palace, Your Mind-Hotel

Every spiritual quality that we need, we already have. To find all the spiritual qualities, we need only search for them sincerely, in the right place.

To source gold, we dig in a gold mine; for croissants, we come to a bakery; for legal advice, we turn to a lawyer. The source and home of all spiritual qualities, is our own spiritual heart.

Imagine your spiritual heart is a vast palace. Peace, love, joy, beauty, power, wisdom, sweetness, subtlety – each has its own room, its own domain on one of the many floors and wings of your vast heart-palace.

Not far from your heart-palace, your mind-hotel accepts all manner of rowdy and disruptive guests, happily welcoming ignorance, arrogance, intolerance, fear, greed, aggression and suspicion. When these guests are blowing and banging their bugles and drums at all hours, the occupants of your heart-palace retreat into their rooms, close their doors, and wait in patient silence. You no longer feel their presence and may imagine they have fled. Actually, they never flee, but sometimes lay low for their own protection.

As the owner and manager of both your mind-hotel and heart-palace, your first task is to evict all unwanted guests from the mind-hotel – which you can and you must. Once the noise and disturbance has died down, you may not immediately see or feel peace, light, love and joy, as they are still locked in their rooms.

Establish and maintain strict policies at your mind-hotel: keep the place clean and orderly, and accept only respectable, well-mannered guests. Now return to your heart-palace. Knocking on each door in turn, you find the occupants awaiting your arrival: love ready to embrace you, peace waiting to feed you, light willing to illumine you, and joy eager to play with you.

344: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (3)

344: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (3)

“In school you have a teacher who is teaching you and offering his wisdom-light to you through language. In the spiritual life also, the teacher teaches through language. But the language of the spiritual teacher is meditation. Meditation is the inner language, and the teacher teaches meditation through silence.
“All real spiritual Masters teach meditation to their disciples and admirers in silence. When a genuine spiritual Master meditates, Peace, Light and Bliss descend from above and enter into the sincere seeker. Then automatically he learns how to meditate from within.”

– Sri Chinmoy

When we think of learning, we think of studying books and attending lectures – knowledge imparted through words. Yet the vast bulk of all learning is conveyed in and through silence: the art of meditation, especially so.

Silence is the air that meditation breathes. Yes, we can be told about posture, breath control and chanting mantras, of the importance of meditating early in the morning – these are peripheral details. Yet the essence of meditation is wrapped in silence, protected by silence and blossoms within silence. Silence baffles us, a language with which we are unfamiliar: how are we going to learn the art of meditation if we don’t know its basic vocabulary?

A baby cannot speak or understand words – yet learns to walk. How? – by observing how adults walk, and imitating them. Seeing adults walking, a whole new world of possibilities opens up before the baby’s imagination: the baby is inspired to follow suit, then gradually does so.

Spiritually, we are babies. To learn true meditation and activate our highest spiritual potential, we need the example, inspiration, guidance and teaching flowing from the highest source.

Only a Master of silence can teach and convey meditation, the truth of silence, in silence.

343: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (2)

343: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (2)

“Did you receive any help in learning the alphabet? Did you require a teacher to help you in mastering your musical instrument? Were you given instruction to enable you to obtain your degree? If you needed a helper to do these things, do you not also require a teacher who can guide you to the knowledge of the Divine, the wisdom of the Infinite? That teacher is your Guru and no one else.”
– Sri Chinmoy

It is said, that all knowledge and wisdom is already within us; that ‘learning’, properly speaking, is ‘remembering’ – bringing to the fore, uncovering that which we already possess. A teacher is one who reminds the students of what they had forgotten they knew, or activates that which has lain dormant within.

Yes, all spiritual realisation is already within us, just as the potentiality of the tree lies within the seed. Yet most seeds never germinate and grow into a tree, for they are not fortunate enough to find the right conditions for germination and growth – sufficient space, the right climate, proper soil, moisture, sunlight, nourishment and protection over many years.

“It takes two to tango.” All these auspicious conditions might be present, but without the seed there can never be a tree. Helpful conditions without a seed, are useless; a seed without the right environment, is helpless.

A beginner in meditation is a tiny seed, with all the potential to grow into a massive, beautiful, powerful, fruitful tree. Yet most who start the journey of meditation and self-discovery, do not proceed very far.

Only a God-realised spiritual Master embodies and offers all the conditions – inspiration, aspiration, forgiveness, nourishment, encouragement, confidence, patience, compassion, concern and protection – for a meditator-seed to grow into a self-realisation tree.

(to be continued…)

342: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (1)

342: Do We Need a Teacher for Meditation? (1)

If meditation is self-discovery, then surely the only teacher qualified to teach about ourself, is our self. How can someone else know more about myself than me? Other than sharing some principles, guidelines and techniques for the journey, a teacher might be able to reveal all about their own self, but surely not about myself…

This reasoning might hold true if the ‘self’ we seek were the self we are familiar with ¬– our finite, limited physical, emotional and mental self – yet the ‘self’ we seek is precisely that self which we intuitively sense, but cannot yet grasp, for it is mostly hidden from our present awareness – our infinite, ever-transcending, all-beautiful, all-loving, all-blissful, all-powerful, all-illumining inmost heart and soul.

While the finite can measure the finite, only the infinite can know the infinite. Our present limited awareness is like a small magnifying glass, offering us some help in exploring our immediate vicinity; while to discover and claim our larger, higher, infinite self, we need an interstellar telescope, capable of viewing galaxies far beyond our present perception.

Only someone who has already established a free access to this infinite realm – a genuine God-realised spiritual Master – has the innate capacity to see and know the infinite in us and to guide us on our spiritual journey to our own soul-discovery.

On our own, we are like someone trying to find their way through a complex maze with high walls on all sides, blindfold and with no idea where the destination is. Having a spiritual Master to guide us is to have an all-seeing eye high above the maze, for whom it is easy to see exactly where we are and the shortest way for us through the maze, to reach our destination.

(to be continued…)

341: The Media of Meditation

341: The Media of Meditation

The concept of “media” has come to be used for any means by which news, information, misinformation, opinion or ideology is conveyed to an audience. Most “media” has an agenda, with us as its target. We are now inundated with media – “mainstream media”, “alternative media”, “electronic media”, “social media” – all vying for our attention, time, loyalty and often, our money.

Most of our familiar media engages our mind and vital by capturing our attention outward to the externals of our being and our world. Meditation engages our heart and soul by focusing our attention inward to the essentials of our being and our very existence.

The media of meditation is satisfaction in peace, light and bliss. To access the media of meditation requires a calm, thought-free mind and a wide-open, aspiring heart. The only subscription required is our sincere longing and regular, dedicated practise.

While outer media is constantly around us, bombarding us from all directions, our meditation media is eternally within us. While outer media seems to be always coming to get something from us, our meditation media patiently awaits our summons, only to offer itself and its boundless wealth to us.

How is the media of meditation broadcast? Within ourselves, through the experience and realisation of peace, light and bliss. To those around us, our meditation media is broadcast through our radiant smile, unflappable poise, kindness and empathy in word and deeds, our ready self-giving and encouragement, our silent reassurance, positive energy and enthusiasm, our playfulness and good humour.

The media of meditation sumptuously fulfils our every need and nourishes all who come into our orbit. Yet – the more we are distracted by the outer media, the less time and space we have for our meditation media. The choice is ours, at every moment.

340: Your Heart-Wallet

340: Your Heart-Wallet

“Keep all your meditation-wealth
Safe inside your heart-wallet.
Then when you are attacked by fear,
Doubt, anxieties or worries,
Just bring forward the peace, love and joy
Which you have safeguarded.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Our wallet represents and contains our wealth, treasure, protection and insurance – even our identification.

Our wealth we use to obtain all the things we need for our success, progress, happiness and wellbeing. Our treasures are the things we value most and like to keep close to us – keepsakes, photos of loved ones, items of inspiration or memorabilia. Our protection and insurance keep us safe from the prospect of poverty, hunger, depression, failure and ruin. Our identification shows ourselves and the world who we really are.

Our heart holds the source, the home, the host, the guide, the journey and goal of our meditation. Our heart is the doctor and the remedy. Our heart is not only all the money in the bank; it is the bank itself. It is all the treasures of the museum, and the museum itself. It is all music and the concert hall; all drama and the theatre; all learning and the university; it is each colour as well as the rainbow; each tree and the forest; each star and the galaxy; each player, the whole team and the very game; all routes up the mountain, the entire mountain and its summit panorama.

Our heart leads us to meditation; meditation connects us to our heart. Meditation is at once the food our heart needs and the nourishment it gives; our heart’s soil, seed, flower and fruit. Our heart explores meditation; meditation reveals our heart.

Our heart-wallet and our meditation-wealth are one and the same, the inhalation and exhalation of our spirituality, twin gates opening to our soul’s kingdom – our sole identity.

339: Quality – not Quantity

339: Quality – not Quantity

If we place food in an oven heated only to 20 degrees, the food will not be cooked, no matter how long we leave it inside. Lukewarm is not enough, and will never be enough to cook food.

The same applies to our meditation. It is not enough to go through the motions, to sit in lotus position, mouth some mantras and expect a profound, uplifting experience. Without focus and intensity, our experience will remain mundane.

Not how long – not the quantity of our meditation, but how eager the aspiration we bring – the quality of our meditation – is the key to unlock the doorway and gain admittance to our inner palace of peace, light and bliss.

“You can meditate early in the morning and, if it is possible, in the evening before you go to bed. During the day, if you are free, and if you really get inspiration, then also you can meditate. Please feel the necessity of meditating, even if is for only one minute a day. If it is done wholeheartedly, even if it is for a fleeting minute, then it is worthwhile.”

“If inspiration is there, then meditate. Many people say that they meditate four times or six times a day. But what do they meditate on? They meditate on their bosses or they meditate on their boyfriends or their girlfriends. This is no meditation at all. If you can meditate most soulfully, if you feel that your aspiration is carrying you, only then is it really worthwhile meditating.”
– Sri Chinmoy

The only really essential, indispensable ingredient for meditation, is aspiration. Aspiration stands as guide, guardian and guarantor – carrying, sustaining, intensifying and continually elevating our meditation. When we nurture and treasure our aspiration-flame, we no longer have to seek meditation: meditation finds us.