“If you want to develop
A special bond of oneness-delight
With God,
Then use your unused inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
This poem carries such power, promise, allure, beauty, intimacy, urgency, agency and thrill! Who would not want to develop a special bond of oneness-delight with God? Is this not the secret purpose of our every breath and heartbeat? And here, this prize is so close, within our grasp…
That Sri Chinmoy points to our inner cry as the pathway to this goal is no surprise: however, he specifically nominates “your unused inner cry” as the anointed pathfinder for this quest. We do not need anything new: we only need activate something we already have within; realign our priorities, reorient our goals, reorder the cards of our deck.
The same truth is coloured differently in another poem:
“Somewhere God’s Bliss can be seen —
True, but where?
In the home of the seeker’s
inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
The home of our inner cry is our soul, God’s representative within us: trace our inner cry to its source, its home, to find ourselves face to face with our soul, resonant with God’s Bliss. We have only to keep our inner cry always alive, always active: then by feeling it, loving it, treasuring and embracing our inner cry, we return with it to its home, God’s Home in us, our soul.
The highest capability of a human is to live always in our infinite, immortal soul, the soul’s consciousness permeating and reigning redolent in our heart, mind, vital and body.
What is the secret, then, to live always and only in our soul? When asked this question, Sri Chinmoy replied:
“Through the constant, sleepless and breathless inner cries of the heart we can live in the soul only.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“I try, I try,
I always try
To love and please
My inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
This simple, humble aphorism carries the most profound truth and secret of the spiritual life. If we are trying always to love and please our inner cry, then our inner cry is effectively our lord, our obsession, our darling, our primary focus – as it must needs be, for our continuous progress.
Our inner cry is the engine that invokes inspiration, engages our aspiration, activates our hidden capacities and qualities, gives voice to our deepest yearnings, disciplines our vital energies, clarifies and focuses our mind, continually expands our heart, and drives us ever onward to self-discovery and fulfillment.
As the only indispensable necessity in our spiritual life, maintaining, nourishing and intensifying the inner cry itself, becomes our foremost goal, our primary cry. The effort to find, nurture, love and please our inner cry, is like the role of a spark plug in a motor vehicle: first the spark must itself be produced, which in turn ignites the fuel that powers the engine of our progress. Once the engine of our inner cry is engaged, all else that is needed, follows and flows naturally.
When we are focused on loving and pleasing someone, we have no time or inclination to think of ourselves, our own desires. So, when we are only trying to love and please our inner cry, there is no room in our consciousness for petty thoughts and emotions, for doubt, fear, jealousy, insecurity, anger and pride. Every weakness, limitation and problem, with all negativity is swept away by the momentum-torrent of our quest.
First and forever more, let this most precious mantra resound:
“I try, I try,
I always try
To love and please
My inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
There are two aspects of our inner cry: the conscious and the super-conscious. Consciously, we cry to attain specific qualities, or to overcome certain obstacles in our spiritual life. We cry for that which we are aware we are in need of.
Yet behind, within, around and beyond our conscious cry flows the invisible, unfathomable inmost cry. It is not only that this inmost cry, cries for that of which we are unaware: this inmost cry itself lives, breathes, moves and operates in realms to us unknowable and inconceivable.
Our conscious inner cry is our instrument, inspired and directed by our aspiring will. Our super-conscious, inmost cry is the executing voice of the Supreme’s Will, shaping and employing us as God’s instrument in His cosmic Game.
The spiritual quality which most eludes us on earth, and yet calls to us most compellingly, is Delight. Happiness, joy, even bliss we are familiar with, as they come and go with apparent cause and effect: while Delight hovers ever ineffable, subtle, effulgent beyond our grasp.
Sri Chinmoy speaks of Delight as the source and goal of our inmost cry:
“Aspiration takes us immediately into the realm of Delight. From Delight we came into existence, from the transcendental Self. Again, in Delight we grow. Our inner being grows in Delight. The outer being may not be aware of it. The outer being goes through suffering, but the soul, the inner being, grows in Delight. At the end of our journey, we enter into the same perpetual Delight. This was the realisation of the Vedic seers, the seers of the hoary past. And also this is the realisation of all true spiritual Masters. Aspiration is that which offers us Infinity in the form of boundless Peace and boundless Delight.”
– Sri Chinmoy
If our heart is devoid of an inner cry, we cannot pretend we are leading a spiritual life. The inner cry is the beating heart of spirituality: arising from the Infinite and the Eternal, and reaching ever towards the Infinite and the Eternal. The inner cry is at once our most sacred gift from God, our most precious offering to God.
Our inner cry will bring us faster to God than any spiritual book, religious observance, good deed, sacrifice, offering or spiritual discipline.
Sri Chinmoy was unequivocal that the inner cry of aspiration is the single indispensable prerequisite and qualification for the spiritual life:
“If you ask whether there is anything that is most important in our spiritual life, then I wish to say, ‘Yes, there is, and that is aspiration.’ Today’s aspiration is bound to bring down God tomorrow or in the near future. It is in aspiration that God manifests Himself through us. The human aspiration and the divine Compassion go together. Divine Compassion is the flame of human aspiration. There is no end to our aspiration. There is no end to our realisation, no end. The goal is ever transcending its own limits. Today’s goal will be tomorrow’s starting point. There is no end to our goal; therefore there is no end to our ultimate realisation. There is no end to our aspiration. We aspire for the Highest, for the Infinite, for the Eternal. The Infinite cannot be measured. As we enter into Infinity, the finite and the Infinite become inseparably one. Our Vedic seers voiced forth:
‘Infinity is that. Infinity is this.
From Infinity, Infinity has come into existence.
From Infinity, when Infinity is taken away,
Infinity remains the same.’
That is the message we can get from our aspiration.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Essential in our inner cry are sincerity, purity and intensity. A half-hearted inner cry is a slap with a feather. Our cry must needs be wholehearted and resolute – at once helpless yet determined, piteous yet adamant, imploring yet commanding.
We cannot know how good a mango tastes by hearing others’ descriptions of it, no matter how vivid and evocative their words: we have to take the mango and eat it for ourselves. So, we cannot know or experience the inner cry by reading or theorising about it. The inner cry has to be invoked, lived, breathed, felt and suffered in every cell and sinew of our being. Our inner cry works only when we give ourselves utterly to it, allowing our aspiration-flame to subsume us, when we grow and flow into, merge with, surrender and become our inner cry.
Sri Chinmoy minces no words in his assessment of the role of aspiration, the inner cry, in our spiritual journey to God:
“Aspiration is the mounting flame within us. If there is no aspiration, then one can never, never realise God. Aspiration has the key to unlock the door of God. Aspiration in concentration, meditation and contemplation is of paramount importance. No aspiration, no realisation. Now this aspiration has to come from the inmost recesses of our hearts. Very often we have mental curiosity and we take it for aspiration. This is absolutely wrong. Aspiration is a burning cry within us. A child is crying for milk. No matter where he is, the mother comes running because the child is crying for milk or something else. The mother comes and feeds the child. In the spiritual life also, when an individual seeker cries ardently, soulfully and devotedly, God comes and stands in front of him.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“It is the inner cry that can and will solve all our problems. Like a runner – a runner has to run the fastest; if he wants to run the fastest, then he will not wear Winter boots or a heavy coat. So, here also, if one is a sincere seeker, he will not be loaded with thoughts and ideas, worries, anxieties.”
– Sri Chinmoy
How does the inner cry solve all our problems?
Problems are inextricably linked with our thought process; our thinking mind is a problem factory. Problems arise from, are nourished and perpetuated by thoughts. When we are successful in clearing our mind of thoughts, so-called problems magically evaporate.
We know that to clear our mind of thoughts, worries and distractions requires an intense effort of will, summoned by a sincere inner cry. One notion of how prayer works, is that our problems are solved on our behalf by God or a higher power responding to our prayer. Our inner cry is seen as an advocate or agent, acting on our behalf.
Yet in a real sense, the inner cry itself obliterates our problems by eclipsing our thought process.
We cannot look in two opposing directions at once; thinking and the inner cry are incompatible. To summon and engage our inner cry, demands our full attention and immersion. An active inner cry subsumes our conscious awareness, sealing our mind’s doors from within and blocking all other claims on our attention. The thoughts and distractions flocking at our mind’s door, find no admittance. With nowhere to settle, thoughts, worries and their extended family of problems, are forced to turn away.
The inner cry not only solves all existing problems: as long as our inner cry stays fresh, it will protect us from future problems as well.
The inner cry cannot be seen, touched, measured or analysed. Therefore, it is very difficult for our mind to grasp or acknowledge. The inner cry can only be felt, treasured and nurtured in our hearts.
In a scientific and economic world of facts, figures and statistics, there is no place or role for the inner cry, for there is no instrument to measure or quantify it. The inner cry flies under the radar of the desire-bound material consciousness, directly into the core of truth.
The inner cry is an alarm siren from the spiritual realm signifying its neglect, demanding our attention and action. It is the announcement and growing claim of our heart, a piercing ray intruding into our thought-clouded mental consciousness to summon forth our blazing higher self.
The inner cry is the source of all human longing for higher meaning and purpose; the source of all philosophy and theology; the source of self-transcendence. Beyond the divisions of the mental realm, which have plagued every man-made religion – words, thoughts, concepts, dogma, ideals and ideology – the inner cry is one in the depths of every human heart. It is the inner cry which alone holds the hope and promise of a universal religion, as Sri Chinmoy writes:
“The world will have one religion, but that religion is not a religion we can talk about. We cannot say that Christianity will be the only religion, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Judaism. We cannot say that one religion far surpasses another religion and that this particular religion has to be the only religion. No! There can be one religion provided that this religion is nothing short of inner cry, the inner cry to realise the Truth. One religion means one inner cry in all human hearts.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“You can discover your divine qualities by digging deep within. As a miner digs and gets something, you also can dig. Digging here means your inner cry. When you cry, you dive deep within. And you can develop your divine qualities by constantly crying. In order to discover your divine qualities, you have to cry constantly. And then, when you have a constant inner cry, automatically you will develop all your divine inner qualities. Each time you cry you dig deep within; and when you dig deep within you develop your qualities. So, at every moment, please think of the instrument that digs inside you. It is your aspiration. Just as a miner uses an implement to dig in the ground, you also need a constant inner cry to dig in your heart.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Our inner cry instigates all the work of our spiritual growth and transformation: first, by unearthing our divine qualities – which are the tools and agents of our spiritual discovery and progress – and then, by nurturing, encouraging and developing these qualities within us.
To accomplish this work, our inner cry must overcome the greatest obstacle in our journey – our mind; while simultaneously awakening and empowering our greatest ally, our spiritual heart.
Our inner cry does not so much calm our mind, as overwhelm it, flooding extraneous thoughts, distractions, mental and emotional flotsam and jetsam in its sheer imperative urgency. Whatever card the mind plays to hold us captive – its brilliant ideas, its doubts and fears – the compelling authenticity and urgency of the inner cry trumps it every time.
Simultaneously, our inner cry calls forth and mobilises the most potent force of our being, our soul, to inundate us with its infinite love, light, power and delight to accomplish all that is needed.
“Our true satisfaction
Entirely depends
On our own sincere inner cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
In the practice of meditation, as in all of life’s pursuits, it is not what we do that matters as much as how we do it. There are endless books, podcasts and workshops dedicated to theories and techniques of meditation. We can study and practise endlessly, yet all the knowledge in the world about meditation will be of no avail unless we bring the right inner attitude. We may do everything correctly: we might have a dedicated meditation room in our house, get up at 6am without fail, sit with ideal posture and control our breathing perfectly.
But a perfectly shaped plastic flower has no fragrance. To go beyond the techniques and enjoy the fragrance of meditation, Sri Chinmoy shares a simple secret:
“How can you have a successful meditation? Try to cry inwardly, cry for liberation. When this cry comes from deep within, the Inner Pilot, God, will teach you how to meditate. The secret of meditation is aspiration. Aspiration is the inner cry. If you cry from deep within you will get what you need.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Our inner cry is the access key not only to today’s meditation, but to every meditation and all spiritual progress from this moment forward. Our meditation paves the way for our unfolding self-discovery and ultimate Self-realisation. Every step of the journey must be guided and fuelled by the same bright persistent insistence, that great uniting, transforming, transcending force of our being – our heart’s inner cry.
“Everything within us that is good is responsible for Self-realisation. But if you ask what is indispensable, then I will say that only one thing is indispensable and that is our inner cry, our constant, inmost cry.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“Problems disappear
When the inner cries
Become stronger.”
– Sri Chinmoy
We sometimes feel that we have to enter into a problem in order to solve it. Yet when we focus on a problem and analyse it, we donate to it our precious awareness: strengthening and emboldening the problem, and increasing its hold over us. We have only to dive into our inner cry, and let it do its thing.
Just as light and darkness cannot coexist in the same space, even so the sleep of ignorance cannot persist when we are consumed with an inner cry for illumination. Rather than worry about our ignorance, we need only to treasure and nurture our inner cry.
Sri Chinmoy gave many illumining answers to the challenge of overcoming ignorance. Here are two of them:
“The only way for you to break your ties with ignorance is through your constant, conscious inner cry. When you pray, meditate and aspire, sometimes you do it consciously and sometimes you do it unconsciously. It is your obligation to be conscious all the time. When you pray and meditate you have to do it consciously. Your constant and conscious inner cry can alone free you from ignorance. It is the only answer.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“How can you overcome ignorance? It is through your aspiration that you can conquer ignorance. When you cry, you can’t sleep. Again, when you sleep, you don’t cry. When a child is really sleeping, he cannot cry. He has to awaken first. Similarly, if you can cry, then you cannot sleep. Always try to cry inwardly. The outer cry is for name and fame; the inner cry is for light, peace and bliss. If you can cry for peace, light and bliss, then ignorance-sleep will automatically leave you.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“The inner cry creates receptivity.
Inside receptivity, gratitude flows.
Nothing else can produce it.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Gratitude is the most precious attainment in our spiritual life. Gratitude keeps our spiritual heart open, fresh and pure, a natural home for our higher self to grow, play and flourish.
Gratitude is a rare dazzling butterfly that flits around the periphery of our imagination, mostly eluding our grasp. It is we who must make of ourselves a fit receptacle to receive and hold gratitude. How?
“It is through the constant inner cry. We cry outwardly when we desperately need name, fame, outer capacity, prosperity and so forth. But when we cry inwardly, we have to feel that we are crying only to please and fulfil God in His own Way. The outer cry is for our own fulfilment, in our own way. The inner cry is for God-fulfilment in God’s own Way. If there is a constant inner cry, that means we are trying to please God, satisfy God and fulfil God in God’s own Way. If we can cry inwardly, in silence, then our gratitude increases, because inside the inner cry is the abode of gratitude, and inside the abode of gratitude is God.”
– Sri Chinmoy
How then, to keep our inner cry, so gratitude can grow in us?
“When you aspire for the inner cry, you should know that that very cry comes from God’s Concern and Compassion. So the most important thing is to offer your gratitude. If you offer gratitude, then immediately your inner cry increases. It becomes continuous and constant. When you offer gratitude, your inner cry mounts to the highest.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Our inner cry creates receptivity, which ushers in gratitude, which enhances our inner cry – parent and child of our spiritual growth.
In the spiritual life, no matter what our question, purpose or goal, the answer will always be revealed by our inner cry. And if we do not consciously have any question, purpose or goal, they too will be revealed by our inner cry.
Sri Chinmoy was once asked a question that goes to the very function of the spiritual life: what is the best way to raise one’s consciousness and maintain that level?
“The best way to raise your consciousness is through inner cry. Then, in order to maintain your consciousness there on the highest level, you have to establish considerable purity in the vital. First, with your inner cry, your aspiration, you go up; then, through purity in the vital you will be able to stay there for good.”
– Sri Chinmoy
The inner cry is the seed that germinates and enlivens, the clue that solves, the key that opens, the spark that ignites our consciousness’ growth and upward trajectory. Yet, Sri Chinmoy says that to maintain this higher consciousness, to avoid descending again, another essential quality is required: purity.
So, to raise one’s consciousness, an inner cry is needed, and then to maintain our higher consciousness, we need purity. How then, can we obtain purity? We return to where we began: the same inner cry both starts and completes the circle…
“It is through our constant inner cry that we achieve purity and increase purity. When our inner cry climbs up, we gradually illumine our whole being, and when illumination takes place, all purity enters into us. There are a few spiritual exercises that help the seeker in acquiring purity. But the purity that lasts forever, the purity of the highest order, we get only from our inner cry for the highest Supreme.”
– Sri Chinmoy
We know that to progress in the spiritual life, we need self-discipline. How and where can we find this self-discipline? Sri Chinmoy writes:
“A disciplined life can come from only one thing, and that is aspiration, our inner cry. At any hour, that inner cry reaches God, and God is bound to fulfil that inner cry. If one wants to discipline himself, if one is dissatisfied with his loose life, and if he feels that from a disciplined life he can have realisation, he can have real fulfilment, perfection and satisfaction, then God is bound to help that particular sincere seeker. If there is an inner cry, then nothing on earth can be denied. No fulfilment can be denied to an individual who has an inner cry.”
“We cry as human beings for name and fame, for many things. But we do not cry for the one thing which is of paramount importance, and that is God’s inner Wealth. What is that inner Wealth? His inner Wealth is Divine Fulfilment, Divine Perfection. We are all imperfect. No human being is perfect. No. But again, our aim is to be perfectly perfect. This perfect perfection can only come from self-discipline. God is all ready. He is more than eager to offer His perfect Perfection. But for that perfect Perfection, we have to grow into a mounting cry which we call aspiration, constant aspiration. When this flame of aspiration rises towards the Highest, it illumines everything around it which is dark. Then, the higher it goes, the greater and more fulfilling is our manifestation.”
“With our inner cry we can have a self-disciplined life. With self-discipline we can get the inner wealth of self-discovery. Self-discipline is the precursor of self-discovery. Self-discovery is the harbinger of God-Manifestation.”