Mastering Meditation: Sep-Dec Course Options

Mastering Meditation: Sep-Dec Course Options

If you have tried to meditate and have experienced something but feel that you could go much deeper, then “Mastering Meditation” is for you. In these free classes we cover what is important for mastering meditation: how to make your meditation practice stronger, deeper and more effective. The courses are presented as a service by students of Sri Chinmoy who themselves have been practicing meditation for many years. The class options are as follows:

Option A: Mondays and Thursdays; Sep 30, Oct 3, 10, 14; 6:30 – 8:00 pm (4 x 1.5 hour classes)
Option B: Saturday, Oct 12; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Our November courses will be structured differently to our Sept/ Oct classes. We will be offering introductory one-off workshops in different parts of Canberra during the week of 11-17 November. These workshops will provide a taste of what will be covered in a subsequent 4 session course which will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Griffin Centre in Civic. An optional sign-up and further details of this course will be provided at the conclusion of each of the introductory workshops. We hope to offer these workshops in Tuggeranong/ Woden, Civic and Belconnen/ Gungahlin. Only confirmed workshops are currently shown (more will be added in the coming weeks). We will also have a one-off weekend workshop for those who are unable to attend weeknight classes and who are looking for a compact introduction to Mastering Meditation.

Option C: Introductory workshop, Civic (The Griffin Centre), Thursday; Nov 14; 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Option D: Saturday workshop, Civic (The Griffin Centre), Saturday, Nov 23; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Venue for all courses unless otherwise stated: The Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, “Civic”, Canberra

  • All courses are free throughout.
  • Prior registration is required as space is limited.
  • The classes cover a range of different techniques and are suitable for experienced meditators and beginners alike.
  • Our weekend workshops offer a compact introduction to meditation in one session.

Some of the techniques and topics include: Practical Tips for Meditation • Relaxation & Breath Control • Guided Visualisation • Quietening the Mind • Understanding the Heart Centre • Open-eye Concentration • Chanting (Mantra) • The Role of a Guru • Music in Meditation

Continuation Classes: After the initial courses, we will offer advanced classes, also free of charge, for those wishing to explore “Mastering Meditation” further. These classes are usually held on weeknights and will bring together students from both the weeknight and weekend courses.

To register for one of the above course options or for more information, please leave a message below or contact us on 045-110-2713. Please include the course option you would like to register for.

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Mastering Meditation – Weekend Workshops

Mastering Meditation – Weekend Workshops

If you have tried to meditate and have experienced something but feel you could go much deeper, then one of our “Mastering Meditation” workshops is for you. In these free courses we will cover how to make your meditation practice stronger, deeper and more effective. The courses are presented as a service by students of Sri Chinmoy who themselves have been practising meditation for many years.

Option B: Saturday, Oct 12; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Option D: Saturday, Nov 23; 1 – 4.30 pm  (1 x 3.5 hr class)

Venue: The Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Canberra

Some of the techniques and topics include: Practical Tips for Meditation • Relaxation & Breath Control • Guided Visualisation • Quietening the Mind • Understanding the Heart Centre • Open-eye Concentration • Chanting (Mantra) • The Role of a Guru • Music in Meditation

Continuation Classes: After the initial courses, there will be follow up classes, also free of charge, for those wishing to explore “Mastering Meditation” further. These classes are usually held on weeknights and will bring together students from both the weeknight and weekend courses.

To register for one of the course options or for more information, please contact us on 045-110-2713 or leave a message below. Please include the course option you would like to register for.

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Establishing a new practice

Establishing a new practice

In order to cultivate a regular meditation practice, it is important that we look to first create an external environment that is conducive to meditation. Begin by finding a place in your home that will become your designated meditation area. Choose somewhere that is relatively quiet and where you are unlikely to be disturbed.

Next you will need a couple of cushions, a small table and a few ‘props’. These ‘props’ might include fresh flowers, a candle or two, a picture of a spiritual teacher, some incense to burn, or anything else that inspires you. You might also like to play some simple meditative music. Avoid having a clock that you regularly glance at or soon you will find yourself meditating on the clock! Most of us have an alarm in our mobile phone that we can use.

If you are disturbed by the outer world, be it your family, your housemates, your neighbours or whatever else; treat these distractions with poise and patience. If you react angrily you are bound to feel the echoes throughout the rest of your meditation. It is also helpful to take a shower beforehand and if possible, do not eat for two hours before meditating.

Establishing a regular practice is a challenging task. Be courageous, be determined and don’t give up. If you are able, find a group with whom you can meditate regularly. Their presence and companionship will inspire you and your own personal meditations will grow stronger as a result. Reading spiritual books and maintaining a good level of physical fitness are also most helpful. Above all, just keep at it! It takes a little while to build up momentum, but once you do your life will begin to blossom in ways you could not even imagine.

If you feel inspired, please come along to our free classes. Our instructors will be delighted to assist you in establishing your own regular meditation practice.

“When we meditate we expand, spreading our wings like a bird, trying to enter consciously into Infinity, Eternity and Immortality, welcoming them into our aspiring consciousness. We see, feel and grow into the entire universe of Light-Delight.
Sri Chinmoy

Get in touch!

Please fill in your details, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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