Sri Chinmoy spoke and wrote much about the precious nature of gratitude. Here is one such passage:

“Gratitude is the most precious thing that a human being can have. If someone has a million dollars and if someone else has only an iota of gratitude, in the Eyes of the Supreme he who has an iota of gratitude to God is far superior. Gratitude is the purest thing that we can have. It is immortal in us. If we can offer to God whatever is immortal, soulful and significant, then that is most meaningful.

“Someone can have outer wealth, but if he has spiritual wealth — simplicity, purity, humility — that is far better. Again, somebody can be pure, devoted and sincere, but if he does not have any gratitude to God, then his purity is not perfect.

“Every morning you should offer gratitude to God for your existence. You should offer gratitude because God has kept you on earth to manifest Him. So gratitude is the most important thing in our life. Nothing is more important in God’s Eyes than gratitude.”
– Sri Chinmoy

On another occasion, Sri Chinmoy made these additional observations on the significance of gratitude in our lives:

“Gratitude is a living reality. A seeker has to know that his most powerful capacity is gratitude. What God has is infinite Compassion and what we have is gratitude. God’s gift to man is infinite Compassion and our gift to God is an iota of gratitude to be placed at His Feet. Gratitude-power can never be surpassed. It is the only satisfaction we can offer God. This is not because God needs our gratitude but because He needs ample opportunity to enter into us in a more effective way, and gratitude increases our heart’s receptivity.”
– Sri Chinmoy