If you were spending precious time alone with your best friend, and another person came barging in the door, you would send that person away. You would command them: “Go away! I’m alone with my best friend, leave us alone, go away.” So, while you’re practising your breathing and counting, any other thoughts or distractions that want or dare to approach you, are uninvited guests. Simply do not let them in. They’re not allowed. Put a sign on the door: DO NOT DISTURB.

After you’ve finished the exercise, these other thoughts can come in, if you will allow them, but for now, they have to stay away.

The number you choose really doesn’t matter, because we all have different lung capacity. All that matters is that it is comfortable for you. We’re not trying to break the world record for the longest breath, we are trying to control our breath, so choose a number that you’re going to be able to maintain, for ever – something that you’re comfortable with. So, sitting up straight, close your eyes.

We’re breathing through our nostrils, and breathing deep using our diaphragm. Let’s say my number is five: as I breath in, I’m counting – one, two, three, four, five and holding – one, two – and exhale – one, two, three, four, five; and breathing in again – one, two, three, four, five – and hold for one, two and breathe out – one, two, three, four, five. Count to your own number, in your own rhythm, but make the rhythm absolutely metronomic, absolutely steady, and continuous.

Nothing else exists, nothing else matters. The entire world outside of this room is dissolved, it’s gone. Your whole universe right now is your breath and the counting that is controlling your breath and keeping you focused on your breath.