Most of us are connected to a regional or national electrical grid, which stores electrical power from its various sources, and regulates and delivers this power to households, businesses and industry. To access the electrical grid, we need credit with a provider, and our house or apartment must be suitably wired and connected to overhead or underground power lines. Then, each electrical appliance must be plugged in to an appropriate power outlet or socket, and switched on.

Just as we have constructed a grid for electrical power, so all forms of physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual energy and power are each conveyed and accessed by their own form of grid. Like the electricity grid, these grids are within, all around and beyond us. The more subtle the energy, the more subtle is its grid, and the more finely we must tune ourselves to receive and utilise it.

Just as we must be connected with the electrical power grid to access electrical power, so to access the spiritual power grid of happiness, peace, love, devotion, enthusiasm, faith, joy and bliss, we must have an account, be connected, plugged in and switched on.

We are each a node of the spiritual power grid, either passive or active, dormant or awake. Our spiritual heart is a sub-station for receiving, storing and transmitting spiritual power, within and all around us. So, to activate our account with the spiritual power grid, and to switch on its limitless array of qualities, we must first access our spiritual heart.


Meditate. Meditation in our spiritual heart plugs us directly into the universal and transcendental spiritual power grid, granting us access to the unfailing current of spiritual qualities and their capacities.

Meditate, to gradually uncover and grow into the universal power.