“It is true
That you have chosen
The Hour of God.
But it is infinitely more true
That the Hour of God
Has chosen you.”
– Sri Chinmoy
If meditating at midday can be like a perilous drive along a narrow, winding, pot-holed mountain road in a blizzard, God-Hour meditation is piloting a sports car along a straight, wide sunlit freeway with no speed limit.
To meditate at the Brahma Muhurta, the Hour of God, is to sit down to a table already set with a sumptuous feast: we just have to eat and enjoy the meal. Peace, light and bliss crowd all around and within, beckoning; we have only to fall into their arms.
Furthermore, the very aspiration and determination we have harnessed to get up to meditate at 3 or 4 am, sharpens our focus and attracts extra grace, giving us a running start, an extra boost. There is usually no other reason for our being up at this hour, so meditation is our entire preoccupation: it is all systems go – forward, inward and upward.
As ‘morning shows the day’, so our God-Hour meditation sets the stage for our aspiring activity and inspired creativity. When we enjoy sublime meditation in the very early hours, the ensuing day flows as an unfolding and a flowering of the inner divinity we encountered and encompassed at that time.
Ultimately, every time we meditate is the Hour of God, for in meditation we enter into our Source of light, inspiration and aspiration, realisation and revelation; in meditation we are both witness and participant in our daily personal and universal creation and re-creation. In meditation, Brahma stirs within our inner heart as we are enlivened by God’s Breath, enfolded in God-Love, illumined with God-Light and upswept into God’s Dance.