Without meditation I am incomplete. With meditation I am whole.
Without meditation I have no idea who I am. With meditation I inhabit my true self.
Without meditation I am lost in a strange, forbidding world. With meditation I am found as the playmate and lover of the world.
Without meditation I want the world to make me happy. With meditation I see the happiness of the whole world radiating from the depths of my heart.
Without meditation I am bored and boring. With meditation I am fulfilled and fascinating.
Without meditation I am listless and directionless. With meditation I am fired up and focussed.
Without meditation I am alone with no God. With meditation I am cradled in the Lap of my Beloved Supreme.
Without meditation I am a helpless victim of circumstance. With meditation every moment is an opportunity for my benefit.
Without meditation I am at the mercy of teeming desires. With meditation I am the duck’s back to desire.
Without meditation I see faults everywhere and blame everyone. With meditation I see growing and glowing perfection all around.
Without meditation I am a slave of fate. With meditation I am master of my destiny.
Without meditation I am insensible to the good, the pure and the beautiful. With meditation I breathe and perceive goodness, purity and beauty everywhere, always.
Without meditation my love is a tentative question. With meditation Love all-pervading is the ever-reverberant Solution.
Without meditation I am a nobody hoping to become a somebody. With meditation I am truly Nobody, the only real Somebody.
Without meditation I am adrift in a stormy cacophony. With meditation I am anchored in the core of Silence.
Without meditation I cannot be sure anything is really real. With meditation I have discovered absolute Reality in everything.