Two little boys were extremely fond of a particular red lolly.
Every day they would visit the corner store and purchase their supply, served in a white paper packet. They were agreed: nothing could equal these red lollies. They loved everything about them: their unsurpassable taste, texture, colour and shape. When they didn’t have their red lollies, the friends would think, talk and even dream about them. Visiting the corner store was a ritual; opening the packet a ceremony; popping the first red lolly into one’s mouth a sacrament. Their lives revolved around their beloved red lollies.
Then one day, the shop owner had no red lollies: she had heard the company might no longer be making them.
The boys were struck dumb. Their world teetered on a precipice.
Not to mind, said the shop owner, for she had new green lollies, which were far better than the old red ones. Just for today, she would offer them green ones for free.
The first boy shouted at the shop owner, hurled his green lollies on the ground and ran outside, crying inconsolably. Never in this life, he vowed, would he touch those accursed green lollies! He started hatching a plan to sue the manufacturer to force them to bring back his red lollies.
Numb, the second boy took his green lollies and walked home alone. Locking himself in his room, he grieved in silence.
Late that night, curious, he tried one green lolly.
That moment his life changed; he forgot all about silly red lollies. The green was indeed far superior in every way: taste, crunch, texture, aroma – an unparalleled sensation beyond description which just kept getting better.
Be always open to newness and change, the only way to grow, improve, discover and become.