“God speaks in silence. Also, He interprets His message in silence. So also let us hear and understand God in silence.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“The silence of meditation
Is power beyond measure.”
– Sri Chinmoy
To enter into a silent mind is very challenging, for we are used to our minds being constantly engaged. Challenging, yes: impossible, no! We simply have to practise and persist, doggedly, determinedly, eagerly, relentlessly – and patiently.
To begin with, since our mind feels the need to be engaged, engage it in a creative visualisation exercise where we imagine ourselves somewhere absolutely silent, and become one with the scene. Here are 4 such scenarios:
1) sitting in meditation, focus for a few minutes on your breathing, slowing and calming the breath as you bring all your attention to its wondrous rhythm. Now see in front of you the vast ocean. Admire its immensity; appreciate its stupendous power. Feel the ocean is drawing you to it, into it, down into its depths, embracing and enfolding you lovingly, tenderly, safely in its secret heart of hearts. Immerse yourself in wrapt awe in the silence, deeper even than the vast ocean itself…
2) you are on the summit of the highest mountain. Below, seemingly the entire world stretches out, above only the infinite blue. The day is still; nothing lives here, nothing stirs. The silence is absolute…
3) you are a seed under the ground. Your entire universe is wrapped up inside you, self-contained. Everything – shape, growth, light, even sound – are all in potential, nothing is yet formed. You are wrapped in complete and perfect silence…
4) you are in the core of the sun. The sheer intensity, immensity, clarity and enormity are all-engulfing. Thought, concept, sound, desire and distraction have no admittance here. Silence reigns supreme…